Usluge / Services

drumski transport / road transport

Nudimo usluge punih (FTL) i zbirnih (LTL) utovara, organizujemo transport od tačke utovara do tačke istovara i mnogo više…

We offer full (FTL) and groupage (LTL) services, we organize transport from the point of loading to the point of unloading and much more …

železnički transport / rail transport

Nudimo uslugu organizacije transportnih vozova u uvozu u Srbiju i u izvozu iz Srbije u sve zemlje Evrope.

We offer the service of organizing transport trains in import to Serbia and in export from Serbia to all European countries.

ostale usluge / other services

Nudimo usluge kontejnerskog transporta, avio transporta, carinjenja i skladištenja robe.

We offer container transport, air transport, customs clearance and warehousing services.